Long day today. Came home to check out blogs for relaxation; I have so many witty, wise, and talented friends to follow.
First blog up, my friend Claire's. She was issued a challenge by Petra to post something. I have to be true and admit I found it extremely funny, intended or not. Then I got to thinking "I have photos too!" So searching I went. Couldn't post roses as that would be copying to closely. Couldn't post most of my lily photos as some were already used in the SP forum for birthday wishes. Onward I clicked, back and forth, photo after photo. Why I wondered do my arms quiver so when taking a photo? The camera doesn't weigh that much. Blurry frames without end. After a half an hour of back and forth comparisons I think I found the perfect ones for my blog. If not, at least anyone interested will know I am alive and kicking.
Before I add the photos I need to set the stage. One of my favorite writers says it better than I ever could.
The Fly
God in his wisdom made the fly
And then forgot to tell us why.
And then forgot to tell us why.
Ogden Nash
Go ahead - enlarge the photos. Have to admit for such an annoying creature, they have beautiful colors. Come on, admit it. I won't tell anyone.